杨伟东,同济大学青年百人计划特聘研究员,东方学者特聘教授,博士生导师。曾于同济大学获得本硕学位、上海交通大学获得博士学位,并在新加坡国立大学、新加坡科技研究局等世界一流高校、科研机构从事研究工作。研究方向包括复合材料与结构制造力学、增材制造及工艺监测、自主无人系统智能感知等。近年承担了由国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发计划、新加坡国家研究基金会及上海市科委、教委等资助的研究课题,相关成果应用于国产大型客机等高端装备关键技术自主可控。以第一/通讯作者在综合类pnas、增材制造addit. manuf.、复合材料compos. sci. technol.、力学int. j. eng. sci.、int. j. solids struct.等著名期刊上发表论文50余篇,在剑桥大学出版社出版英文著作1册,授权/申请国内外发明专利13项。担任sampe(中国)北京分会常务理事、中国发明协会新材料创新分会专家、中国复合材料学会青工委委员、中国力学学会高级会员等,同时担任《frontier in aerospace engineering》《capillarity》《应用力学学报》等学术期刊编委、青年编委等。曾入选上海市海外高层次人才引进计划(获聘上海市特聘专家)、浦江人才计划、科技部中澳青年科学家交流计划等,获上海市力学学会优秀青年学者、同济大学首届卓越研究生导学团队标兵等荣誉。
chen y, jin z, kang w, liu z, yang w*, li y*. 3d printed bio-inspired self-similar carbon fiber reinforced composite sandwich structures for energy absorption. composites science and technology, 2024, 110453.
zhang j, yang w*, li y*. process-dependent multiscale modeling for 3d printing of continuous fiber-reinforced composites. additive manufacturing, 2023, 73: 103680.
li z, wang s, ding w, chen y, chen m, zhang s, liu z, yang w*, li y. mechanically robust, flexible hybrid tactile sensor with microstructured sensitive composites for human-cyber-physical systems. composites science and technology, 2023, 110303.
yang w*, liu y, zhang z, li q, yu t, li y. scalable, flexible, and hierarchical porous conductive nanocomposites for self-powered and pressure sensing dual-mode integration. composites science and technology, 2023, 232: 109884.
fan s, zhang j, wang b, chen j, yang w*, liu w, li y*. a deep learning method for fast predicting curing process-induced deformation of aeronautical composite structures. composites science and technology, 2023, 232: 109844.
yang w*, liu m, chen s, kang w, chen j, li y. electromechanical analysis of a self-sensing torsional micro-actuator based on cnts reinforced piezoelectric composite with damage. composite structures, 2023, 313: 116945.
wang s, ding w, li z, xu b, zhai c, kang w, yang w*, li y. a size-dependent quasi-3d model for bending and buckling of porous functionally graded curved nanobeam. international journal of engineering science, 2023, 193: 103962.
yang w*, wang s, kang w, yu t, li y. a unified high-order model for size-dependent vibration of nanobeam based on nonlocal strain/stress gradient elasticity with surface effect. international journal of engineering science, 2023, 182: 103785. (esi highly-cited paper)
wang b, fan s, chen j, yang w*, liu w, li y*. a review on prediction and control of curing process-induced deformation of continuous fiber-reinforced thermosetting composite structures. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2022: 107321.
zhang y, zhang j, zhao x, li y, che s, yang w*, han l*. mechanical behaviors regulation of triply periodic minimal surface structures with crystal twinning. additive manufacturing, 2022, 58: 103036.
wang s, kang w, yang w*, zhang z, li q, liu m, wang x. hygrothermal effects on buckling behaviors of porous bi-directional functionally graded micro-/nanobeams using two-phase local/nonlocal strain gradient theory. european journal of mechanics-a/solids, 2022, 94: 104554.
yao h , yang w , cheng w , tan y, see h, li s, lim b, liu z, tee bck*. near–hysteresis-free soft tactile electronic skins for wearables and reliable machine learning. proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 2020, 117(41): 25352-25359.
yang j, luo s, zhou x, li j, fu j, yang w*, wei d*. flexible, tunable, and ultrasensitive capacitive pressure sensor with microconformal graphene electrodes. acs applied materials and interfaces. 2019, 11(16): 14997-15006. (esi highly-cited paper)
yang w, yang f, wang x*. dynamic instability and bifurcation of electrically actuated circular nanoplate considering surface behavior and small scale effect. international journal of mechanical sciences, 2017, 126: 12-23.
yang w, fang c, wang x*. nonlinear dynamic characteristics of fgcnts reinforced microbeam with piezoelectric layer based on unifying stress-strain gradient framework. composites part b: engineering. 2017, 111: 372-386.
yang w, wang x*. nonlinear pull-in instability of carbon nanotubes reinforced nano-actuator with thermally corrected casimir force and surface effect. international journal of mechanical sciences, 2016, 107: 34-42.
yang w, yang f, wang x*. coupling influences of nonlocal stress and strain gradients on dynamic pull-in of functionally graded nanotubes reinforced nano-actuator with damping effects. sensors and actuators a: physical, 2016, 248: 10-21.
yang w, wang x*, fang c. pull-in instability of carbon nanotube-reinforced nano-switches considering scale, surface and thermal effects. composites part b: engineering, 2015, 82: 143-151.
yang w, zhang w, wang x*, lu g. nonlinear delamination buckling and expansion of functionally graded laminated piezoelectric composite shells. international journal of solids and structures, 2014, 51(3): 894-903.
yang w, li y*. sound absorption performance of natural fibers and their composites. science china technological sciences, 2012, 55(8): 2278-2283.