









  • 1990.9-1994.7    上海交通大学仪器工程系    生物医学工程与仪器专业    学士

  • 1998.9-2001.7    北京航空航天大学理学院     一般力学与力学基础专业    硕士

  • 2004.9-2010.1    北京航空航天大学航空学院    一般力学与力学基础专业    博士


  • 2020. 7-至今        同济大学                         航空航天与力学学院      长聘教授

  • 2011. 8-至今        同济大学                         航空航天与力学学院      教授

  • 2006. 3-2011. 7   陕西师范大学                  生命科学学院                 副教授

  • 1994. 8-2008. 6   中国航天员科研训练中心 重力生理学研究室          助理研究员


  • 神经动力学,非线性动力学,生物力学

  • 神经动力学的基础理论:

  • 多因素调控下的神经电活动的复杂动力学

  • 神经系统的违反直觉的非线性动力学现象及机制

  • 神经电活动的快慢时间尺度分析的新方法

  • 阈值现象的复杂动力学机制

  • 面向实际神经系统的复杂时空动力学及调控机制:

  • 听觉神经系统的生物力学与复杂动力学

  • 运动节律的生成、调控机制及在机器人运动控制中的应用

  • 功能异常相关的神经电活动的快慢尺度分析及调控机制

  • 脑疾病相关的复杂动力学:

  • 基于非线性特征的精神疾病的脑网络动力学

  • 抑郁症等疾病相关的神经电活动的复杂动力学

  • 神经系统疾病相关的神经电活动的复杂动力学



  • 通过研究脑在不同层次的时空振荡的动力学演化规律,拓展动力学内涵,揭示脑工作原理,服务于脑疾病的精准医疗。主要包括:

  • 全面认识了多因素调控的神经元电振荡节律的演化规律,包括发现了有趣的负反馈诱发振荡增强、正反馈诱发振荡降低的反常动力学行为并揭示了机制,丰富了非线性动力学的内涵;依此研究了多类感觉神经的电活动规律,完善了感觉神经信息编码的节律编码机制,修正了频率编码机制;

  • 揭示了导致神经元网络行为和功能异常的神经元在不同特征的兴奋性和抑制性激励下相位响应机制,给出了调控网络时空行为转换的非线性机制,有助于调控多类神经系统疾病和运动异常的网络行为及功能;多方法综合分析脑功能磁共振数据的时空振荡特性特别是非线性特征,揭示了多类精神疾病患者不同于正常人的异常脑区和脑区间的异常连接等脑网络特征,给出了服务于精神疾病诊治的客观生物标识。


  • 神经电活动节律的复杂动力学规律:多因素调控下的分岔规律

  • 违反直觉的神经电活动现象及非线性机制:抑制性刺激(负反馈)增强电活动兴奋性刺激(正反馈)降低电活动

  • 感觉神经的信息编码机制:依据节律转迁规律进行信息编码

  • 神经元网络行为及功能的调控机制:神经元在不同激励下的相位响应机制

  • 脑时空振荡的演化规律:揭示非线性特征、提供刻画精神疾病的客观生物标识


  1. yuye li, huaguang gu*, jia bing, xueli ding. the nonlinear mechanism for the same responses of neuronal bursting to opposite self-feedback modulations of autapse. science china technological sciences (online)

  2. linan guan, huaguang gu*, zhiguo zhao. dynamics of subthreshold and suprathreshold resonance modulated by hyperpolarization-activated cation current in a bursting neuron. nonlinear dynamics, 2021, 104:577–601.

  3. kaihua ma, huaguang gu*, zhiguo zhao. fast-slow variable dissection with two slow variables: a case study on bifurcations underlying bursting for seizure and spreading depression. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2021, 31(6): 2150096.

  4. ben cao, runxia wang, huaguang gu*, yuye li. coherence resonance for neuronal bursting with spike undershoot. cognitive neurodynamics, 2021, 15(1):77-90.

  5. bo lu, huaguang gu*, xianjun wang, hongtao hua. paradoxical enhancement of neuronal bursting response to negative self-feedback of autapse and the nonlinear mechanism. chaos, solitons and fractals, 2021, 145: 110817.

  6. yanbing jia, huaguang gu*, yuye li, xueli ding. inhibitory autapses enhance coherence resonance of a neuronal network. communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 2021, 95:105643.

  7. ben cao, huaguang gu*, jiawei bai, fuqiang wu. bifurcation and chaos of spontaneous oscillations of hair bundle in auditory hair cells. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2021, 31(4): 2130011

  8. linan guan, huaguang gu*, yanbing jia. multiple coherence resonances evoked from bursting and the underlying bifurcation mechanism. nonlinear dynamics, 2020, 100:3645–3666.

  9. xianjun wang, huaguang gu*, bo lu. paradoxical reduction and bifurcations of neuronal bursting activities modulated by excitatory self-feedback. nonlinear dynamics, 2020, 101:2383–2399.

  10. zhiguo zhao, li li, huaguang gu*. excitatory  autapse induces different cases of reduced neuronal firing activities near hopf bifurcation. communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 2020, 85:105250.

  11. xinjing zhang, huaguang gu*, kaihua ma. dynamical mechanism for conduction failure behavior of action potentials related to pain information transmission. neurocomputing, 2020, 387:293-308.

  12. fuqiang wu, huaguang gu*. bifurcations of negative responses to positive feedback current mediated by memristor in a neuron model with bursting patterns. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2020, 30(4): 2030009. (feature article)

  13. zhiguo zhao, li li, huaguang gu*, yu gao. different dynamics of repetitive neural spiking induced by inhibitory and excitatory autapses near subcritical hopf bifurcation. nonlinear dynamics, 2020, 99(2):1129-1154.

  14. linan guan, bing jia, huaguang gu*. a novel threshold across which the negative stimulation evokes action potential near a saddle-node bifurcation in a neuronal model with ih current. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2019, 19(14):1950198.

  15. xinjing zhang, huaguang gu*, linan guan. stochastic dynamics of conduction failure of action potential along nerve fiber with hopf bifurcation. science china technological science, 2019, 62(9):1502-1511.

  16. fuqiang wu, huaguang gu*, yuye li. inhibitory electromagnetic induction current induced enhancement instead of reduction of neural bursting activities. communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 2019, 79:104924.

  17. yuye li, huaguang gu*, xueli ding. bifurcations of enhanced neuronal bursting activities induced by the negative current mediated by inhibitory autapse. nonlinear dynamics, 2019, 97(4): 2091-2105.

  18. xinjing zhang, huaguang gu*. influences of hopf bifurcation dynamics on conduction failure of action potentials along nerve c-fiber. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2019, 29(7): 19500093.

  19. yanbing jia, huaguang gu*. identifying nonlinear dynamics of brain functional networks of patients with schizophrenia by sample entropy. nonlinear dynamics, 2019, 96(4): 2327-2340.

  20. zhiguo zhao, li li, huaguang gu*. dynamical mechanism of hyperpolarization-activated non-specific cation current induced resonance and spike-timing precision in a neuronal model. frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 2018, 12: 62.

  21. yanbing jia,huaguang gu*, qiang luo*. sample entropy reveals an age-related reduction in the complexity of dynamic brain. scientific reports, 2017, 8: 7990.

  22. bing jia, huaguang gu*. dynamics and physiological roles of stochastic neural firing patterns near bifurcation points. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2017, 27(7): 1750113.

  23. bing jia, huaguang gu*, lei xue. a basic bifurcation structure from bursting to spiking of the injured nerve fibers in a two-dimensional parameter space. cognitive neurodynamics, 2017, 11(2): 189–200.

  24. yuye li, huaguang gu*. the distinct stochastic and deterministic dynamics between period-adding and period-doubling bifurcations of neural bursting patterns. nonlinear dynamics, 2017, 87(4): 2541–2562.

  25. zhao zhiguo, bing jia, huaguang gu*. bifurcations and enhancement of neuronal firing induced by negative feedback. nonlinear dynamics, 2016, 86(10):1549–1560.

  26. weiwei xiao, huaguang gu*, mingrui liu. spatiotemporal dynamics in a network composed of neurons with different excitabilities and excitatory coupling. science china technological science, 2016, 59(12): 1943–1952. (cover)

  27. yanbing jia, huaguang gu*. transition from double coherence resonances to single coherence resonance in a neuronal network with phase noise. chaos, 2015, 25(12): 123124.

  28. zhiguo zhao, huaguang gu*. the influence of single neuron dynamics and network topology on time delay-induced multiple synchronous behaviors in inhibitory coupled network. chaos, solitons & fractals, 2015, 80(11):96–108.

  29. huaguang gu*,baobao pan. identification of neural firing patterns, frequency, and temporal coding mechanisms in individual aortic baroreceptors. frontiers in computational neuroscience, 2015, 9:108.

  30. huaguang gu*, baobao pan.a four-dimensional neuronal model to describe the complex nonlinear dynamics observed in the firing patterns of a sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury model. nonlinear dynamics, 2015, 81(4):2107–2126.

  31. huaguang gu*, baobao pan, yuye li. the dependence of synchronization transition processes of coupled neurons with coexisting spiking and bursting on the control parameter, initial value, and attraction domain. nonlinear dynamics, 2015, 82(3):1191–1210.

  32. wei cheng#, edmund t. rolls#, huaguang gu#, jie zhang, jianfeng feng*. autism: reduced connectivity between cortical areas involved in face expression, theory of mind, and the sense of self. brain, 2015, 138(5):1382-1393. (#共同第一作者)

  33. yuye li, huaguang gu*. the influence of initial values on spatial coherence resonance in neuronal networks. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2015, 25(8):1550104.

  34. huaguang gu*,baobao pan, guanrong chen, lixia duan.biological experimental demonstration of bifurcations from bursting to spiking predicted by theoretical models. nonlinear dynamics, 2014, 78(1):391–407.

  35. huaguang gu*, baobao pan, jian xu. experimental observation of spike, burst and chaos synchronization of calcium concentration oscillation. europhysics letters, 2014, 106:50003.

  36. huaguang gu*, weiwei xiao. difference between intermittent chaotic bursting and spiking of neural firing patterns. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2014, 24(6):1450082.

  37. huaguang gu*,shenggen chen. potassium-inducedbifurcations and chaos in neural firing patterns observed from a biological experimental pacemaker. science china technological sciences,2014, 57(5):864–871.

  38. huaguang gu*. different bifurcation scenarios of neural firing pattern in identical pacemakers. international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 2013, 23(12): 1350195.

  39. huaguang gu*, yuye li, bing jia, guanrong chen. parameter-dependent synchronization transition of coupled neurons with co-existing spiking and bursting. physica a, 2013, 392(15): 3281–3292.

  40. huaguang gu*. experimental observation of transitions from chaotic bursting to chaotic spiking in a neural pacemaker. chaos, 2013, 23(2): 023126.

  41. huaguang gu*, bing jia, guanrong chen. experimental evidence of a chaotic region in a neural pacemaker. physics letters a, 2013, 377(9): 718–720.

  42. huaguang gu*, bing jia, yuye li, guanrong chen. white noise-induced spiral waves and multiple spatial coherence resonances in a neuronal network with type i excitability. physica a, 2013, 392(6): 1361–1374.

  43. bing jia, huaguang gu*. identifying type i excitability using dynamics of stochastic neural firing patterns. cognitive neurodynamics, 2012, 6(6): 485–497.

  44. bing jia, huaguang gu*, li li, xiaoyan zhao. dynamics of period-doubling bifurcation to chaos in the spontaneous neural firing patterns. cognitive neurodynamics, 2012, 6(1): 89–106.

  45. huaguang gu*, bing jia, qishao lu. exponential decay characteristics of the integer multiple neural firing patterns. cognitive neurodynamics, 2011, 5(1): 87–101.

  46. zhiqiang liu, huimin zhang, yuye li, cuncai hua, huaguang gu*, wei ren. multiple spatial coherence resonance induced by stochastic signal in neuronal networks near a saddle-node bifurcation. physica a, 2010, 389: 2642–2653.

  47. minghao yang, zhiqiang liu, li li, yulin xu, hongju liu, huaguang gu*, wei ren. identifying distinct stochastic dynamics from chaos: a study on multimodal neural firing patterns. international journal of bifurcation & chaos, 2009, 19(2): 453–485. (tutorials and reviews).

  48. huaguang gu, minghao yang, li li, zhiqiang liu, wei ren. dynamics of autonomous stochastic resonance in neural period adding bifurcation scenarios. physics letters a, 2003, 319(1-2): 89–96.

  49. huaguang gu, minghao yang, li li, zhiqiang liu, wei ren. experimental observation of the stochastic bursting caused by coherence resonance in experimental neural pacemaker. neuroreport, 2002, 13: 1657–1660.

  50. huaguang gu, wei ren, qishao lu, shunguang wu, wenjuan chen. integer multiple spiking in neuronal pacemakers without external periodic stimulation. physics letters a, 2001, 285: 63–68.

  51. 曹奔, 关利南, 古华光*. 兴奋性作用诱发神经簇放电个数不增反降的分岔机制. 物理学报. 2018, 67(24): 240502.

  52. 古华光*.神经系统信息处理和功能异常的复杂动力学.力学学报,2017,42(2):410-420.



  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目7项

  • 脑时空振荡的非线性特征及在精神疾病的应用 (12072236),2021-2024

  • 神经系统运动节律的调控机制及电路设计(11872276),2019-2022

  • 抑制性化学突触调控神经系统时空动力学行为的研究(11572225),2016-2019

  • 视皮层神经元网络时空行为的动力学机制研究(11372224),2014-2017

  • 基于生物学实验的神经起步点的动力学建模(11072135),2011-2013

  • 神经元网络同步化行为建立过程中的单元节律的分岔机制研究(10772101),2008-2010

  • 神经元放电序列时间模式变化的基本规律探索(30300107; 亚类:青年),2004-2006


神经元及其网络的动力学行为的理论与实验研究 ,2012-2014


  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目(数理与生命学部交叉学科项目)

  • 神经放电活动和信息识别中的复杂非线性动力学行为研究(10432010),2005-2008,排名3

  • 863专题项目

  • 基于中枢模式发生器工作原理的自适应运动控制技术(2007aa02z310) ,2008-2010,排名2


  • 同济大学青年英才系列计划-攀登高层次人才计划(2012-2013)

  • 攀登(跟踪)高层次人才计划(2014-2015)

  • 参加国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金答辩(数理学部力学学科)2次 2016年、2017年

  • 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2020年)


  • 同济大学期间培养硕士生3名,2人获国家奖学金,1人获“荣泰健康”奖学金,优秀研究生2人;全都按期毕业,毕业时每人发表sci论文1篇及以上。

  • 同济大学期间培养博士生10名,获国家奖学金3人次,获金学金多人次。其中在读4名,已毕业6名(都按期毕业)。毕业生在读期间每人发表sci论文3-6篇,5名毕业生进入高校从事科研教学工作(已有3人获国家自然科学基金4项)。

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