2007.09-2011.07 同济大学 工程力学 学士/ b.sc.
2012.09-2015.07 同济大学 固体力学 硕士/ m.e.
2015.08-2020.05 佐治亚大学材料与力学 博士/ph.d.
2021.01-至今 同济大学航空航天与力学学院 助理教授
2020.06-2020.12 佐治亚大学工学院 博士后研究员
n. liu*, s. li, x. wang*, “mechanism of coupling polymer thickness and interfacial interactions on strength and toughness of non-covalent nacre-inspired graphene nanocomposites”, composites science and technology, 241, 110124, 2023.
n. filla, b. gu, j. hou, k. song, h. li, n. liu*, x. wang*, “hyperelasticity of blood clots: bridging the gap between microscopic and continuum scales”, journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 190, 105750, 2024.
n. liu, x. chen, k. mao, s. li, s. wu, y. li*, 'mechanical anisotropy on reduced ballistic limit of phosphorene by cone wave reflection: a computational study', extreme mechanics letters, 70, 102173, 2024.
x. chen, b. tan, n. liu*, k. zhang*, ' reactive force-field simulation and experimental validation of cyclic defects in silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries', cell reports physical science, 5(9), 102148, 2024.
n. liu, p. chavoshnejad, s. li, m. j. razavi, t. liu, r. pidaparti, x. wang*, “geometrical nonlinear elasticity of axon under tension: a coarse-grained computational study”, biophysical journal, 120(17), 3697-3708, 2021
l. zhang, n. liu*, x. wang, “probe the nanoparticle–nucleus interaction via coarse-grained molecular model”, physical chemistry chemical physics,25(44), 30319-30329, 2023.
s. li, n. liu, m. becton, x. zeng, x. wang*, “mechanics prediction of 2d architectured cellular structures using transfer learning”, journal of micromechanics and molecular physics, 6(2), 1-11, 2022.
y. zou, c. li, r. zhang, t. jiang, n. liu, j. wang, x. wang, y. yan*, “exploring the tunability and dynamic properties of marr-pmaro sensor system in escherichia coli”, acs synthetic biology,10(8), 2076–2086, 2021.
n. liu, m. becton, l. zhang, and x. wang*, “mechanism of coupling nanoparticle stiffness with shape for endocytosis: from rod-like penetration to worm-like wriggling”, the journal of physical chemistry b, 15(3), 127-141, 2020.
m. yang, l. cooper, n. liu, x. wang and m. p. fok*, “twining plant inspired pneumatic soft robotic spiral gripper with a fiber optic twisting sensor”, optics express, 28(23), 35158-35167, 2020.
s. li, n. liu, m. becton, n. winter, r. pidaparti, x. wang*, “mechanics of 2d materials-based cellular kirigami structures: a computational study”, jom, 72, 4706-4717, 2020.
x. pan, d. xu, x. tang, n. liu, y. you, x. wang, x. yan*, x. ma*, x. chen, “endocytosis-enabled construction of silica nanochannels crossing living cell membrane for transmembrane drug transport”, advanced functional materials, 30, 2002761, 2020.
l. zhang, m. becton, n. liu, r. averett, r. pidaparti, and x. wang*, ' physiochemical effects of nanoparticles on cell nuclear complex pore transport: a coarse-grained computational model', journal of chemical theory and computation,15(11), 6382-6392, 2019.
n. liu, m. becton, l. zhang, h. chen, r. pidaparti, x. wang*, 'mechanical anisotropy of two-dimensional metamaterials: a computational study', nanoscale advances, 1(8), 2891-2900, 2019.
n. liu, m. becton, l. zhang, h. chen, x. zeng, r. pidaparti, x. wang*, “a coarse-grained model for mechanical behavior of phosphorene sheets”, physical chemistry chemical physics, 21(4), 1884-1894, 2018
j. kim, n. liu, r. pidaparti* and x. wang*, 'microtubular protofilament analysis based on molecular level tubulin interactions', molecular & cellular biomechanics, 15(3), 127-141,2018.
l. xu, n. liu, j. ge, x. wang and m. p. fok*, 'stretchable fiber bragg grating based sensor', optics letters, 43(11), 2503-2506, 2018.
n. liu, r. pidaparti* and x. wang*, ' effect of amino acid mutations on intra-dimer tubulin–tubulin binding strength of microtubules', integrative biology, 9(12), 925-933, 2017.
n. liu, r. pidaparti* and x. wang*, 'mechanical performance of graphene-based artificial nacres under impact loads: a coarse-grained molecular dynamic study', polymers, 9(4),134(article number), 2017.
n. liu, x. zeng, r. pidaparti* and x. wang*, 'tough and strong bioinspired nanocomposites with interfacial cross-links', nanoscale, 8(43), 18531-18540, 2016.
n. liu, j. hong, r. pidaparti*, x. wang*, “abnormality in fracture strength of polycrystalline silicene”, 2d materials, 3(3), 035008, 2016.
n. liu, j. hong, r. pidaparti*, x. wang*, “fracture patterns and the energy release rate of phosphorene”, nanoscale, 8(10), 5728-5736, 2016.
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