2009.9-2013.6,同济大学, 飞行器制造工程,学士/ b.sc.
2013.9-2018.9,同济大学,力学, 双学位博士/ph.d.
2014.12-2019.3,香港理工大学,力学, 双学位博士/ph.d.
2019.9-2021.3,新加坡国立大学, 机械学院,博士后研究员
1.li y., li q., plant fiber reinforced composites, springer engineering materials, 2022.
2.li q., li y.*, zhang z., zhang z.s., zhou l.m.*. quantitative investigations on multi-layer interface debonding behaviors for sisal fiber reinforced composites using acoustic emission and finite element method. composites part b: engineering, 2020, 196: 108128.
3.li q., li y.*, zhang z.s., zhou l.m.*. multi-layer interfacial fatigue and interlaminar fracture behaviors for sisal fiber reinforced composites with nano-and macro-scale analysis. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2020, 135: 105911.
4.li q., li y.*, zhou l.m.*. a micromechanical model of interfacial debonding and elementary fiber pull-out for sisal fiber-reinforced composites. composites science and technology, 2017, 153: 84-94.
5.li q., li y.*, zhou l.m.*. nanoscale evaluation of multi-layer interfacial mechanical properties of sisal fiber reinforced composites by nanoindentation technique. composites science and technology, 2017, 152: 211-221.
1. wang j, li y, li q*. evolution of stiffness in flax yarn within flax fiber reinforced composites during moisture absorption, composites part b: engineering, 2023, 268: 111096.
2.李倩; 李岩; 复合材料多层级界面细-微-纳观实验与模拟, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2023, 53 (1): 214604.
3. wang j., li y., li q*. anisotropic behaviors of moisture absorption and hygroscopic swelling of unidirectional flax fiber reinforced composites, composites structure, 2022, 297: 115941.
4.zhang z, li q*, cao a, yeoh w, liu m, yang w. defect identification in thick porous and wavy composites with hybrid use of ultrasound non-reciprocity and scattering, composites science and technology, 2022, 225: 109514.
5.zhang z, li q*, liu m, yang w; ang y. through transmission ultrasonic inspection of fiber waviness for thickness-tapered composites using ultrasound non-reciprocity: simulation and experiment, ultrasonics, 2022, 123: 106716.
6.li q., li y., ma h., cai s.m., huang x.l. effect of processing temperature on the mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of flax fiber reinforced composites. composites communications, 2020, 20: 100343.
7.zhang z., liu m., li q., su z.q. baseline-free defect evaluation of complex-microstructure composites using frequency-dependent ultrasonic reflections. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2020, 139: 106090.
8.zhang z., guo s., li q., cui f., malcolm a.a., su z.q., liu m. ultrasonic detection and characterization of delamination and rich resin in thick composites with waviness. composites science and technology, 2020, 189.
9.李岩,李倩. 植物纤维增强复合材料力学高性能化与多功能化研究. 固体力学学报,2017, 38(3): 215-243.(核心期刊综述)
10.li y., li q., ma h. the voids formation mechanisms and their effects on the mechanical properties of flax fiber reinforced epoxy composites. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2015, 72: 40-48.
1.张振,曹安东,龙志远,李倩,李岩. 基于透射超声频率迁移的孔隙和褶皱缺陷检测识别方法. 申请号202211574503.0(国家发明专利申请)
2.张振,曹安东,李倩,李岩. 一种复合材料连续纤维铺层信息提取建模方法. 申请号202311218027.3(国家发明专利申请)
1. 2024-2026 多层级打捻植物纤维增强复合材料非线性力学行为协同跨尺度分析方法(国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持)
2. 2024-2027 第九届青年托举人才-复合材料力学(中国科协青年人才托举工程,主持)
3. 2023-2026 植物纤维增强复合材料水合作用下阻尼特性跨尺度预测方法研究(上海市自然科学基金面上项目,主持)
4. 2022-2026 仿生复合材料结构增材制造工艺优化中的关键力学问题研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与)
5. 2020-2022 高性能生物质纤维材料的高效增值利用研究(科技部国家重点研发计划,参与)
1.li q. meso-nano scale experiments and simulations on hierarchical interfaces of plant fiber reinforced composites. the 12th asian-australasian conference on composite materials (accm12), 2023.
2.李倩. 植物纤维增强复合材料多层级界面力学. sampe中国2021年会, 2021.
3.李倩. 植物纤维增强复合材料. 2021绿色复合材料论坛, 2021.
composites science and technology
composite part b
composites communications
journal of industrial textiles
journal of reinforced plastics and composites