2016.09 – 2022.01,复旦大学,固体力学,博士/ph.d.
2012.09 – 2016.06,武汉科技大学,工程力学,学士/ b.sc.
2023.09 – 至今,同济大学,航空航天与力学学院,助理教授
2022.03 – 2023.02,巴黎高等师范学院,物理系,博士后
2019.11 – 2021.01,法国洛林大学,法国国家科学研究中心,联合培养博士生
2.软物质的力生物学 (力-化-生多场耦合)
1. ting wang, zhijun dai, michel potier-ferry, fan xu. curvature-regulated multiphase patterns in tori. physical review letters, 130, 048201-1–048201-6, 2023.
● this work has been selected for a synopsis (how nature’s donuts get their wrinkles) in physics 16, s5
● highlighted by nature 614, 10 (2023) (a chilli’s wrinkles and a cherry’s dimples explained).
● highlighted by physorg (a model that predicts wrinkle patterns on the surface of toroidal structures as they expand or contract).
2. ting wang, chenbo fu, michel potier-ferry, fan xu. morphomechanics of growing curled petals and leaves. journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 184, 105534-1–105534-12, 2024.
3. ting wang#, yifan yang#, chenbo fu#, fei liu, kui wang, fan xu. wrinkling and smoothing of a soft shell. journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 134: 103738-1–103738-20, 2020.
4. ting wang#, fei liu#, chenbo fu#, xiaoliang zhang, kui wang, fan xu. curvature tunes wrinkling in shells. international journal of engineering science, 164: 103490-1–103490-20, 2021.
● highlighted (mathematically exploring wrinkle evolution) by nature computational science, 1, 388 (2021).
5. t. wang, c. fu, f. xu, y. huo, m. potier-ferry. on the wrinkling and restabilization of highly stretched sheets. international journal of engineering science, 136: 1–16, 2019.
1. ting wang#, yifan yang#, chenbo fu#, fan xu. competition between mullins and curvature effects in the wrinkling of stretched soft shells. international journal of solids and structures, 241: 111473-1–111473-9, 2022.
2. ting wang, yifan yang, fan xu. mechanics of tension-induced film wrinkling and restabilization: a review. proceedings of the royal society a, 478: 20220149-1–20220149-22, 2022. (封面文章)
3. t. wang, f. xu, y. huo, m. potier-ferry. snap-through instabilities of pressurized balloons: pear-shaped bifurcation and localized bulging. international journal of non-linear mechanics, 98: 137–144, 2018.
4. fan-fan wang#, ting wang#, xiaoliang zhang, yangchao huang, ivan giorgio, fan xu. wrinkling of twisted thin films. international journal of solids and structures, 262–263: 112075-1–112075-9, 2023.
5. chenbo fu#, yifan yang#, ting wang#, fan xu. a consistent finite-strain plate model for wrinkling of stretched anisotropic hyperelastic films. thin-walled structures, 179: 109643-1–109643-10, 2022.
6. chenbo fu#, zhe cheng#, ting wang#, fan xu. an asymptotic modeling and resolution framework for morphology evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling modes in bilayers. mathematics and mechanics of solids, 27: 1397–1411, 2022.
7. c. fu, t. wang, f. xu, y. huo, m. potier-ferry. a modeling and resolution framework for wrinkling in hyperelastic sheets at finite membrane strain. journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 124: 446–470, 2019.
8. mingda ding, fan xu, ting wang, chenbo fu. nanosleeves: morphology transitions of infilled carbon nanotubes. journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 152: 104398-1–104398-19, 2021.
9. f. xu, t. wang, c. fu, y. cong, y. huo, m. potier-ferry. post-buckling evolution of wavy patterns in trapezoidal film/substrate bilayers. international journal of non-linear mechanics, 96: 46–55, 2017.
10. 徐凡, 汪婷, 杨易凡. 薄膜拉伸褶皱失稳力学进展. 力学季刊, 41(2): 207–220, 2020.
11. 徐凡, 杨易凡, 汪婷. 曲面薄膜结构褶皱失稳力学. 力学进展, 51(2): 342–363, 2021.
1. 徐凡;张晓亮;汪婷;杨易凡;一种多级跳变屈曲吸能结构,已受理,2021-8-15,中国,202110933823.x.
2. 徐凡;刘俊廷;杨易凡;程柘;张晓亮;汪婷;一种基于卡文迪什扭秤的激光光帆姿态测量装置,已受理,2021-8-10,中国,202110914552.3.
1. 法国国家自然基金 (anr-18-ce13-0008),morphogenesis of two active tissues in contact, a multi-scale mechanical analysis,2018.10-2023.04,参与
2. 上海市青年科技启明星计划,极限软材料失稳力学研究,2019.04-2022.03,参与
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超材料宏-细-微观耦合失稳、结构相变与形貌演化,2019.01-2022.12,参与
1. t. wang, y. yang, f. xu. competition between mullins and curvature effects in wrinkling of stretched soft shells. 25th international congress of theoretical and applied mechanics (ictam 2020 1), virtual, milano, italy, august 22-27, 2021. (short presentation poster)
2. t. wang, y. yang, f. xu. nonlinear competition between mullins and curvature effects in the wrinkling evolutions of soft films under tension. international workshop on the evolving nonlinear continuum panorama, castro urdiales, spain, july 11-15, 2022. (oral presentation)
3. t. wang, c. fu, f. xu, y. huo, m. potier-ferry. on the wrinkling and restabilitzation of highly stretched rectangular sheets. 2018 emi international conference, engineering mechanics institute conference of asce, shanghai, china, november 2-4, 2018. (oral presentation)
international journal of solids and structures、thin-walled structures、international journal for numerical methods in engineering、international journal of non-linear mechanics、archive of applied mechanics、biosystems、cell reports physical science、mechanics of materials等
1. 全国力学博士生论坛优秀报告 2019
2. 上海市力学学会优秀学生 2019
3. 研究生国家奖学金 2017