







  • 2009.08-2013.07,哈尔滨工业大学,复合材料与工程,学士/ b.sc.

  • 2013.09-2015.07,哈尔滨工业大学,力学, 硕士/ m.phil.

  • 2017.09-2020.09,复旦大学,力学,博士/ph.d.


  • 2015.07-2017.08,中科院泉州装备制造研究所,机械与仿真研究中心, 助理工程师

  • 2020.09-2024.03,复旦大学,力学流动站,博士后

  • 2024.03-至今,      同济大学,航空航天与力学系, 助理教授


  • 核燃料及其结构材料辐照条件下多场耦合行为研究

  • 复合材料等效热-力学性能研究

  • 极端环境下核燃料堆内失效机理和破坏行为研究


  • xiaobin jian, jing zhang, yong li, shurong ding*, skeleton-creep based bubble growth model and multi-scale mechanical constitutive model for u-10mo fuels under irradiation, international journal of plasticity, 2023, 163(103557), 1-26.

  • xiaobin jian, feng yan, xiangzhe kong, yong li, shurong ding*, further development of the fission gas swelling model for u-10mo fuels, journal of nuclear materials, 2022,565(153769),1-13


  • xiaobin jian, yunmei zhao*, shurong ding*, prediction and deformation mechanism analysis of high porosity in u-10mo monolithic fuels at high burnup, metals, 2023, 12(1693), 1-13.

  • xiaobin jian, xiangzhe kong, shurong ding*, a mesoscale stress model for irradiated u-10mo monolithic fuels based on evolution of volume fraction/radius/internal pressure of bubbles, nuclear engineering and technology, 2019, 51(6),1575-1588.

  • xiaobin jian, feng yan, xiangzhe kong, shurong ding*, effects of u-mo irradiation creep coefficient on the mesoscale mechanical behavior in u-mo/al monolithic fuel plates, nuclear materials and energy, 2019, 21(100706), 1-11.

  • xiaobin jian, shurong ding*, thermal creep effects of aluminum alloy cladding on the irradiation induced mechanical behavior in u-10mo/al monolithic fuel plates, nuclear engineering and technology, 2020, 52(4), 802-810.

  • guochen ding, jing zhang, jie wang, yong li, xiaobin jian*, shurong ding*, yongjun deng, modeling and tests on the damage and fracture behaviors of non-irradiated zirconium alloys with different hydrogen concentrations at rt and 350°c, journal of nuclear materials, 2023, 587(154726), 1-20.

  • yunmei zhao*, zhenyue chen, xiaobin jian*, a high-generalizability machine learning framework for analyzing the homogenized properties of short fiber-reinforced polymer composites, polymers, 2023,15(3962), 1-27.

  • xiaoxiao mao1, xiaobin jian1, haoyu wang, jingyu zhang, jibin zhang, feng yan, hongyang wei, shurong ding*, yuanming li*, thermo-mechanical coupling behavior analysis for a u-10mo/al monolithic fuel assembly, nuclear engineering and technology, 2021, 53(9), 2937-2952.

  • xiaoxiao mao1, xiaobin jian1, jingyu zhang1, feng yan, shurong ding*, yongzhong huo, haoyu wang, lin zhang, yuanming li, effects of u-mo irradiation creep performance on the thermo-mechanical coupling behavior in u-mo/al monolithic fuel assemblies, frontiers in energy research, 2021, 9(676881), 1-16.


  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,u-10mo合金的燃料的辐照脆化和强度退化机理研究, 12102094,2022.01-2024.12,主持

  • 上海市“扬帆计划”项目,u-10mo/al单片式燃料元件辐照后退火起泡行为研究, 21yf1402200,2021.05-2024.04,主持

  • 中国核动力研究设计院重点实验室基金,u-10mo单片型燃料元件的辐照变形与失效机理研究,2021.10-2023.09,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,事故容错多层级复合核燃料辐照热力耦合变形和破坏的多尺度研究,12132005,2022.01-2026.12,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,十字螺旋金属燃料多物理耦合分析方法及其特性研究, 12135008,2022.01-2026.12,参与


  • 2019.10.06-2019.10.10 materials in nuclear energy systems (mines) 2019, hilton baltimore, baltimore md, united states.


  • 担任nuclear engineering and technology, nuclear engineering and design等期刊的审稿人
