2016.9-2020.12,美国明尼苏达大学双城分校,土木工程,博士/ph.d. (导师stefano gonella)
2012.9-2015.3,上海交通大学,力学,硕士/ m.phil.
2008.9-2012.6,安徽师范大学,物理,学士/ b.sc.
2021.1-2023.8,美国宾夕法尼亚大学,机械工程与应用力学系,博士后 (导师jordan r. raney)
弹性矢量孤立子/elastic vector solitons
固态相变产生的过渡波/transition waves
二次谐波效应/second harmonic generation
w. jiao, h. shu, v. tournat, h. yasuda and j.r. raney. phase transitions in 2d multistable mechanical metamaterials via collisions of soliton-like pulses. nature communications. 15 (1), 333, 2024
w. jiao# and s. gonella#. wavenumber-space band clipping in nonlinear periodic structures. proceedings of the royal society a. 477:20210052, 2021
w. jiao# and s. gonella#. dynamics of interacting particle systems: modeling implications of the repulsive interactions and experiments on magnetic prototypes. physical review b. 102, 054304, 2020
w. jiao and s. gonella. intermodal and subwavelength energy trapping in nonlinear metamaterial waveguides. physical review applied. 10:024006, 2018
w. jiao and s. gonella. mechanics of inter-modal tunneling in nonlinear waveguides. journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 111, 1, 2018
w. jiao, h. shu, q. he and j.r. raney. toward mechanical proprioception in autonomously reconfigurable kirigami-inspired mechanical systems. philosophical transactions a (accepted), 2024
q. he, r. yin, y. hua, w. jiao, c. mo, h. shu and j.r. raney. a modular strategy for distributed, embodied control of electronics-free soft robots. science advances. 9 (27), eade9247, 2023
h. yasuda, h. shu, w. jiao, v. tournat and j.r. raney. nucleation of transition waves via collisions of elastic vector solitons. applied physics letters. 123 (5), 051701, 2023
k. zhang*, w. jiao* and s. gonella. tunable bandgaps and symmetry breaking in magneto-mechanical metastructures inspired by multi-layer 2d materials. physical review b. 104, l00301, 2021
w. jiao# and s. gonella#. nonlinear harmonic generation in two-dimensional lattices of repulsive magnets. physical review e. 103, 012213, 2021
w. jiao and s. gonella. doubly-nonlinear waveguides with self-switching functionality selection capabilities. physical review e. 99, 042206, 2019
f. guo, w. jiao, g. wang and z. chen. distinct features of thermoelastic dissipation in micro-beam resonators at nanoscale. journal of thermal stresses. 39:3, 360-369, 2016
w. jiao, j. song and f. guo. thermoelastic damping of micro resonators operating in the longitudinal vibration mode: in comparison with the case of flexural vibration. mechanics research communications. 62:31-36, 2014
上海市领军(海外)青年人才项目,2023 主持
美国国家自然科学基金项目(nsf), cmmi-2041410, programming non-linear waves in compliant mechanics metamaterials, 2021.6-2024.5, 270万,参与
美国国防高级研究计划局(darpa), w911nf2010278, distributed intelligence in kirigami-inspired flexible architectures, 2020.8-2022.7, 316万,参与
美国国家自然科学基金项目(nsf), cmmi-1452488, adaptive acoustic metamaterials with switchable functionalities: a design platform enabled by nonlinearity, 2015.2-2021.1, 316万,参与
“linear and nonlinear dynamics of magneto-elastic metamaterials”, ses, hangzhou, china, aug 21, 2024
可重构力学超材料中非线性波的传播与控制(邀请报告),第二届北京交叉科学大会,北京,aug 17, 2024
“phase transitions in 2d flexible mechanical metamaterials”, imece, columbus, oh, october 31, 2022
“mechanical proprioception in autonomously-reconfigurable multistable metamaterials”, ses, college station, tx, october 19, 2022
“tuning of elastic waveguides through the interplay of quadratic and cubic nonlinearities”, imece, salt lake, utah, november 12, 2019
“mechanisms of energy tunneling in nonlinear metamaterials”, geomechanics seminar, cege department, university of minnesota, mn, march 8, 2019
“inter-modal energy tunneling with subwavelength characteristics in nonlinear waveguides”, imece, pittsburgh, pa, november 12, 2018
“inter-modal energy tunneling in nonlinear waveguides”, 18th u.s. national congress on theoretical and applied mechanics, chicago, il, june 6, 2018
journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, applied physics letters, physics review applied, physics review e, mechanical systems and signal processing, extreme mechanics letters, international journal of solids and structures, etc.
outstanding dissertation award, department of civil, environmental, and geo- engineering, university of minnesota, 2021
imece nsf poster competition travel grant award, 2019
departmental fellowship, department of civil, environmental, and geo- engineering, university of minnesota, 2017
graduate fellowship, university of minnesota, 2016
优秀毕业生, 上海交通大学, 2015
weijian jiao joined the school of aerospace engineering and applied mechanics at tongji university as a distinguished research fellow since september 2023. prior to that, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the university of pennsylvania (advisor: jordan r. raney). he obtained his phd in civil engineering from the university of minnesota twin cities in 2020 (advisor: stefano gonella). his current research focuses on nonlinear waves and their implications in the context of periodic structures and artificially architected materials, such as acoustic, elastic, and mechanical metamaterials. he has investigated a variety of nonlinear wave phenomena, ranging from finite-amplitude nonlinear harmonic waves to solitary waves to large-amplitude transition waves. in addition to providing fundamental understanding, he has devoted efforts to leveraging these nonlinear phenomena for practical implications, such as tunable acoustic devices, energy harvesting, reconfigurable/deployable structures, mechanical logic gates, and soft robotics. he has published more than 10 peer-reviewed journal papers, including nature communications, science advances, jmps, physical review applied/b/e, proceedings of the royal society a, etc.